
Of Eschallus


Rank: Navigator
Kingdom: Eschallus

Gender: DMAB
Pronouns: He/They
Age: Adult (3 Years/ 36 Months)


Height: 30in (Below Average)
Weight: 17lbs (Below Average)

Scars: None
Description: Lilac Somali, slender and thin medium hair and red/pink eyes. Is always wearing gold and a hood.


Mother: Gelleh
Father: Unknown
Adopted Father: Noach (Blacksmith)

Siblings: None

Orientation: Bisexual
Significant Other: None

  • Likes

  • - Stars

  • - History

  • - Religious studies

  • - Drink

  • - Gold

  • Dislikes

  • - The lowest class

  • - Sandstorms

  • - The Monarchy

  • - Vyros


Magic Theme: Scientia
Magic Type: Artifice


  • Strength: 5

  • Agility: 11

  • Constitution: 8

  • Intelligence: 13

  • Wisdom: 18

  • Intelligence: 13



Esmail is an intelligent individual. He finds himself to be more of a scholar than many of his peers in Eschallus. It is not unusual to see the sleek feline on his own as he prefers his independence from his other Navigators. He thrives in more quiet social situations, but Esmail does not fear growing in connection with others for personal gain. If it guarantees that he will be rewarded, then Esmail will usually make it happen. Many see the tom cat as sneaky and sly as he always appears to have an ulterior motive to his actions. Though of course Esmail will always deny this claim and manipulate others to believe him. Usually this is because Esmail cares very much about his outward appearance, physically as well as figuratively and socially. Esmail wishes to work his way up to becoming a high class and rich citizen. Perhaps living as a blacksmith’s son had created a person wanting power and fame.

Esmail is not all bad, though he is judgmental and rather classist to the weaker and poorer of Eschallus. Our sleek coated Navigator is somewhat altruistic, which you may believe is a conflict of his other personality traits. Esmail is not heartless. He does care about Eschallus and its people. Though he is willing to use others for personal gain, he does pity people and wish for good health and wealth for his people. Eschallus is his home and he has strong beliefs that as an Eschallus he needs to be proud and protective of his home like many Eschallus. Esmail is often seen being very kind to the youth of Eschallus though looks to the adults with disdain. Esmail is an extremely principled type of character. He has strong beliefs of right and wrong, especially religiously and politically. His passion and interest in the occult and government affairs has made Esmail a bit of a political figure within the walls of the city.


Esmail was found in a basket on the door steps of Eschallus City. The cats who found him thought that the lonely kitten would simply die of exposure as the night had been long and cold despite the insane heat of the days. But one of the people of the city of light felt a pang of guilt leaving the helpless child as the sun rose above them. So he took the basket home. This tom was Noach, a well respected Blacksmith who often made trinkets of gold and bronze for the more wealthy of the City. He was a quiet cat, never really made it well in social situations and never found himself a wife. It was not his intention to become a father so suddenly, but once he brought the young and frail kit home with him, he felt that perhaps the idea that all children in Eschallus had to be strong to survive wasn’t entirely true. So he did his best to bring the kit to health and named him Esmail.

Esmail was much smaller and thinner than some of the cats his age. For Noach, he was worried his adopted son would be treated badly and even bullied by the youth of the city, so he kept his son inside to help him as blacksmith for a majority of his childhood. However it was clear to Noach that Esmail was not powerful physically but intellectually. The young cat excelled at his studies and seemed to grow restless as he became an Apprentice.

Esmail had an affinity to the stars and sky, and to criticize the religious who worshiped Vyros. He felt rather cursed by Vyros for such a frail body at birth. If Vyros had created the people of Eschallus than why did he allow Esmail to be given such a poor body? His disdain for the God of Eschallus grew with each day and he finally found himself unable to lie to Noach any longer. He told his father that he wished to be a Navigator and to study and investigate rather than put himself in the footprints of someone much stronger than himself. Noach explained to his son that he was indeed adopted and that he understood why he felt like he was different and he would support his decision. Esmail took the news pretty well, but he left a feeling of betrayal and wonder in his soul.

The silver somali tom began his training as a Navigator and he quickly jumped into the field with little issues. He was quick and his feet left little in the sand to be followed. His coat was longer, but it was thin allowing air to cool him in the heat of the sun. At this stage in his life, Esmail had become rather cynical, snarky and a bit of a trouble maker. He was decorated in fine jewelry usually meant for wealthier families than his own. But Noach gave his son everything he wanted, including gold and jewels. In a way, Esmail felt he deserved them.

Navigation became his life. Esmail spent many days and nights studying the sky, the moon, the sun and the stars. He dove into the study of religion and the Gods and Magic. He had become quite the scholar. His deeds were not unnoticed as he is often asked by many for religious advice and knowledge about the stars. It is not uncommon for Esmail to be outspoken about political views despite not being strong enough to fight a Paladin, he does however use his intelligence to be viewed as an asset to Eschallus despite his lack of strength. It does help that his speed and agility is impressive. Esmail spends his days trying to work his way to the top, wanting to be a rich and respected cat within Eschallus.

( Made with Carrd )